Prior to enrolling your child/ren, we encourage you to visit our centre, to meet our team and see what we offer.
To arrange a visit please contact the centre first on (09) 630-5800 to tour our facilities and meet our staff. We can hold a centre visit on Tuesday’s or Fridays from 10 am - 11.30 am or at other times by arrangement.
How can I enrol my child?
If you’d like your child or children to attend Kids at Play, the first step is to join our waiting list by completing the form below.
Waiting List Process
Once you have placed your child or children on our waiting list, the waiting list indicates your interest for your child or children to attend our centre.
As our waiting list has a number of families interested, vacancies are filled by numerous criteria other than just numerical order on the waiting list. Vacancies, as they arise, are filled in our under two centre by the days indicated on the waiting list, but they must also guarantee an over two placement for the child when they turn two.
All vacancies are filled by days indicated and by numerical order on the waiting list (not first in, first served).
Enrolment must be a three-day minimum ensuring the child settles into the centre environment.
When will I hear from you?
If a placement becomes available, the Centre Manager will contact you 6 to 8 weeks before the start date.
How do you select families?
We currently have a number of families on our waiting list. We do not select purely on a first-in, first-served basis. Although sending in your waiting list form is essential, we use other criteria to determine placement, including the days you would like your child/children to attend, their age, available spaces, etc.
As vacancies arise, they are filled in our under-two room by the days indicated on the waiting list, so if your needs change whilst you are on the waiting list, please let us know.
How long do I stay on the waiting list?
We want to inform you that your child’s name and indicated attendance days will remain on our waiting list for one year.
After this time lapses, your child's name will be removed if we cannot contact you by email or phone and we have not heard from you that you are still interested in remaining on our waiting list.
Before a child starting
As part of the introduction, we ask that families do pre-visits with their child. Children who do pre-visits alongside their parent/primary caregiver familiarise themselves with their new environment. This makes the transition process less daunting.
Pre-visits also allow parents/caregivers to familiarise themselves and ask questions.