We offer a nurturing environment where love, trust and respect underpins every aspect of our curriculum and culture. We believe in our children’s competency and view them as curious individuals who need space, time and loving support to be themselves and discover the world uniquely. Respectful and gentle care also reveals an infant’s surprising capacity to participate in relationships.
Guided by the RIE philosophy (Respectful Infant Educare), we value the natural sequence of motor development where every baby moves more quickly and efficiently if allowed to do it in his own time and in his own way. We know that a child who has always been allowed to move freely develops an agile body and good judgment about what he can and cannot do. Developing good body image, spatial relations, and a sense of balance helps children learn how to move, fall, and recover.
Even before children can speak, they develop an understanding of things in their environment by actively exploring them with all their senses. As they become more verbal, they can describe similarities and differences in what they see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Sensory exploration, including balance and coordination, is paramount to our learning environment. We believe in allowing infants to do what they want, as every child will develop according to their built-in schedule. This means providing an environment that provokes and empowers a child’s innate curiosity to explore and challenge their holistic capabilities.
Under 2s Programme Details
As a mixed-age Centre, we begin our day in the Over 2’s environment until 9 am when we head into our morning tea area. Around this time, our first wave of sleepers will go down for their morning nap. The older toddlers then spend the morning exploring until 11 am, when lunch is served. After lunch, the children prepare for their midday nap, which usually coincides with the infant's waking from their morning nap. The midday sleepers generally have a 1-2hrs sleep, and then the afternoon program begins.
Daily Routine
All children together in the over two area until 9.00am, when all the teachers are on board.
Morning snack
Nappy change / morning sleep (if required)
Inside and outside play and activities offered that are facilitated by teachers.
Nappy change / story time
Midday sleep
Nappy change
Inside / outside play and activities offered facilitated by teachers.
Afternoon sleep
Afternoon nappy change / tidy up
Late snack
Centre closes