The Transition to School Group runs specifically for the 4+-year-old children in keeping with the Centre’s philosophy of a ‘negotiated curriculum’. We operate on a 1:6 ratio, and placements will be shared as much as possible within availability. This programme generally operates between 12.30 pm – 1.45 pm (while the younger children rest). Rotation of teachers occurs every 6 weeks.
Preparing your child for primary school
Our aim for the Transition to School group is to ensure a smooth and successful transition into our children and families' school environment. We aim to enrich children’s knowledge, challenge their thinking; empowering their capabilities for their next educational journey.
Parents and whānau are assisted with local schools' information and ensuring their child are involved in pre-school visits. We are committed to maintaining relationships with our local schools, keeping up to date with the enrolment process and better accommodating our families should they require it.
When will my child start the transition to a school group?
Transition to School is offered for children 4+ years, and availability is dependent on children leaving for school, days of enrolment (part-time or full time) and age.
The transition to school group programme operates with an adult to child ratio of 1:6 (keeping with our centre’s policies and practices).
Educators promote children’s self-help and self-care skills such as taking responsibility for their possessions, e.g. putting clothing away in their bags and encouraging necessary toileting and hygiene practices.
How do you prepare children for the transition to school group?
We offer a programme as an introduction toward the transition to a school group. This is termed the ‘Sleep Room Learning Group Programme.’ This programme is encouraged to prepare children for the transition to the school group’s expectations. Educators remain flexible as to the time, the number of children, age and daily dynamics when offered each day.
Parents/caregivers are given an introduction to Sleep Room Learning Group and/or introduction to Transition to School Group letter(s) before commencing these programmes. The letters outline the programme’s purpose and what the programme offers children.
What happens during Transition to School?
The programme operates with an integrated approach to delivering curriculum areas; Mathematics, Science, Language and Languages, Arts, Technology, Social Sciences and Physical Health and Well-being. We believe this approach fosters and develops necessary dispositions and skills required for positive learning and development, e.g. communication skills, information skills, problem-solving skills, self-management, competitive skills, social and cooperative skills, physical skills and work and study skills.
Transition to School practices includes offering children who are due to commence school shortly the opportunity to bring a lunch box and drink and transitioning from lockers to bag hooks. (This will further support familiarising the child with school practices).
Educators discuss experiences of starting at a new place and read stories about children starting school.
Children and their families are offered the opportunity to take the centre’s digital camera on school pre-visits and share/display their experiences when they return.
Teachers will provide extra support and advice to whānau regarding their child with special needs, ensuring the child's specific needs are met in the transition to school process.
As children near their 5th Birthday, opportunities to bring their own lunch box and drink bottle are offered, further developing their self-management skills. Photos from school visits are also promoted to familiarise children with their new environment and talk about this within the Transition to School Group programme.
How do I know what my child has done in Transition to School?
Daily evaluation sheets are filled in after each session (for both Sleep Room and Transition to School groups) for parents to view at the end of each day.
Transition to School has an allocated display wall for parents to view the group’s work and for children to revisit their learning.
A Transition to Primary School board is used to inform staff and families of what Primary Schools children will be attending when leaving Kids at Play.
We make available to parents a copy of our Transition to School Policy and Practical Tips when Starting School pamphlet when their child commences the Transition to School Programme.