We operate as a community where our members play an active part in their child’s/children’s learning by contributing to the smooth running of Kids at Play and becoming involved. This includes some of the following:
Joining our Parent Governance Committee,
Attending the Annual General Meeting (AGM),
Attending parent-teacher evenings,
Participating in working bees and
Attending fun social events yearly.
By enrolling your child at Kids at Play, you join the Society and agree to abide by its Regulations. A copy of the Regulations is available in the parents’ area.
The Parent Governance Committee comprises parents/guardians of children enrolled at Kids at Play. Members are elected annually at the AGM. The committee requires parents willing to give their time in any capacity, and specific roles include:
Vice President
Grounds & Maintenance
Social Committee Liaison
The Committee has an appointed Centre Manager who is the professional leader and is responsible for the centre's day-to-day operations.
Centre Social Events
As a community, we have annual social events organised by the Centre's parent social committee.
Why do we have social events?
We have found that parents pass through the daycare, dropping off children and picking them up at the end of the day, often not getting to know the other parents of our unique community-based daycare centre!! Therefore, we organise events yearly, allowing parents to get together and get to know each other better. As a slight aside, we will also run some small fundraising events to support the centre with those unique resources.
The centre operates as an Incorporated Society and a registered charity (a not-for-profit early learning centre governed by a parent Management Committee). As part of the Social Committee, we will continually improve the environment and tools available to our children and the staff. As it draws closer, we will confirm each event's updates – look for posters in KAP and flyers in your parent's pocket. All events are open to the broader friends and family of KAP. The more, the merrier!
The social committee is always keen to have more volunteers to help organise events, contribute to the auctions, and add to each event's friendliness, so please let us know if you are keen to help.