Opening Hours
The centre is open from 7.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday. Please ensure your child/ren is picked up by 5.30 pm. A late fee of $45.00 per child will be charged after 5.30 pm. If unforeseen circumstances cause a delay, please phone the Centre.
The Centre is closed on Statutory Holidays and for three weeks at Christmas.
Hours of Attendance
Children must be enrolled in the centre for at least 6 hours per day for funding purposes.
Any changes in your child’s enrolment hours are subject to approval by the Centre Manager to ensure that the centre license/funding is not compromised. By no means can a parent change their enrolment agreement days without prior approval from the Centre Manager.
Please advise the Centre (preferably in writing) if someone else is to pick up your child/ren other than those specified in their enrolment & authorisation form.