Enrolment & Authorisation Forms
Please ensure that your Enrolment & Authorisation Form is kept up-to-date. It is important that emergency contact people are current and the details of new people authorised to pick up your children are on the form.
Leaving & Collecting your child
When leaving or collecting your child at the Centre it is vital that you sign them in and out and please also let a teacher know.
Make sure that the gates are securely shut on entering and leaving the Centre.
Parents are responsible for their child/ren when they are on the premises.
What to Bring
Please bring a bag for your child, clearly named containing 2 complete changes of clothes, including a plastic bag. If your child is still in nappies, plenty of disposables are to be supplied and named (a minimum of 5 per day).
Please ensure all clothing including socks, shoes; hats, etc are clearly named. No responsibility will be taken by the Centre for unnamed clothing.
Please ensure your child has a named sunhat that must be brought each day. The Centre provides sunblock for the children.
Please send your child in oldish clothes as we have some messy-type activities which can spoil good clothes.
We have plenty of toys here for everyone to share, if you are going to allow children to bring their toys to the Centre we can’t ensure that they won't get lost or end up broken. The exception to this is a special toy or blanket that would help your child/ren to settle – please let us know if your child has one.
All food will be supplied for children for morning and afternoon teas and lunch. The children will be given good nourishing food to make up a balanced diet. Please note on your enrolment form if your child has any special dietary needs. If you are an early starter and haven’t time to feed your child breakfast, please advise a staff member so that we can give them some. However, please note that we are not in a position to provide breakfast after 8.00 am.
Parent's Library
Please be aware that we have a number of excellent books relating to childcare and parenting that are available to all parents/guardians to look at, borrow for one week at a time or reserve for a further time if required.
We ask that you record your name and number in the library signing out the book provided and ask a teacher to co-sign. There is no charge for this service. If you care to suggest books for the Centre to purchase, please feel free to do so.
NZ's National Early Childhood Curriculum: Te Whāriki
Te Whāriki is New Zealand's (first) national curriculum policy statement, released in 1996, it is "a framework for providing tamariki/children's early learning and development within a sociocultural context. It emphasises the learning partnership between kaiako/teachers, parents, and whānau/families. Kaiako/teachers weave a holistic curriculum in response to tamariki/children's learning and development in the early childhood setting and the wider context of the child's world." (MinEdu)